For shatterbox, "a video-based social community for students and young professionals to find inspiration and share ideas about innovative careers," the design team at paperwhite studio put together a sophisticated and bold set of identity materials that uses the X as a motif in different ways. On the envelope, it is carefully aligned to the flap so that it breaks down the middle as you open it; on the business card's back as a kind of metaphor to find a bright spot in a sea of sameness; and on the letterhead as a cool border running down the height of the sheet. Another lovely touch is the edging on the business cards, which wasn't as easy to achieve:
The client for this project was very shy about using color in her stationery, so we thought edging would be a great way to incorporate it in a subtle and interesting way. As it turns out edging is not something every printer does or is willing to do, so the first challenge was finding a place that would do both letterpressing and edging. Our second challenge was matching the neon ink on the card to the ink on the edge, what we learned is that the 2 are not at all the same, and neon being such a pure color, it was important they match. All around, this experience really informed our idea of this process and although more complex than we expected, the results made it worthwhile.